
I finally decided to go to the.mall today ..It1s not that I'm afraid to go ant there.,I'm Just lazy.I haven't been to this, kail yet, so, I think I'm in for a surprise or two .The last time I went to a mall I hadn't been to,I got lost in the public bathrooms and couldn't get. out for three hours.
I was thinking o.f being lost in the bathrooms on the way over and it reminded me of the time I went to that soccer game with the gang and we all got lost.That was such fun,but to this day, I cant get over the way William and Linda were discussing what, they di d.I 'm talking about when we were telling each other where we got lost,and william and Linda had to secretly talk about what they were going to tell us.I hate to have to say that I don't and never will trust William or Linda.But that was such a small event in all the years we knew each other,I wonder why I remember it?I imagine there's some psychological reasoning behind that,but I would have to figure it out,and I don't want to bother...
The mall here is really nice.It's so wide open it makes you feel like you're outside..There is this one store there that makes me feel wiercE.lt isn't Just the black lights that make my clothes glow,and it isn't Just the lady clerk that stuck my face in her shirt..The wierdest thing about the store is that there are real spiders climbing; around In the deling along with some fake one s. I guess they're there to make you think the fake ones are real.Since there were nets below all. of them,it really didn't matter ^unless one of those king sized spiders decides to drop a turd on me through the screen.When I though o.f that,I left the store.I don't even think they sell anything in that, store.I think It's Just a gimmick.I guess I should have been expecting that in Chicago.
I was. so piped up after I left that, place that I decide-d it was time, to sit down* and have a drink of something;.I wasn't in the mood for anything alcoholic,so I got myself a coke that tasted like spin a ch. I was just about to leave the mall, when I saw a face, in the crowd I thought I recognized.I was-
- Author
- mark thomas